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A Voice in The Desert Podcast

“Welcome to ‘A Voice In The Desert,’ your inclusive podcast destination located in Isabela, Puerto Rico. Our motto, ‘Everyone’s welcome because nobody’s perfect, but we believe that anything’s possible,’ encapsulates our mission to create a culturally relevant dialogue about God’s Word in our time and explore crucial topics shaping our society. Join us on this transformative journey as we share insightful discussions that resonate with everyone. Embrace the power of diverse perspectives and elevate your understanding of life’s profound intricacies.

My name is Cesar and I'm A Voice In The Desert 


May 10, 2024

El reinado de mil años de Cristo en la tierra


Bienvenidos a nuestro podcast de hoy, queridos oyentes. En el día de hoy, vamos a hablar sobre un tema muy importante y fascinante: el reinado de mil años de Cristo en la tierra. Como ministro cristiano, es un honor poder compartir con ustedes la esperanza y la promesa...

May 9, 2024

En el libro de Romanos, capítulo 8, versículo 18, el apóstol Pablo escribe: "Pues considero que los sufrimientos de este tiempo presente no son dignos de ser comparados con la gloria que en nosotros ha de ser revelada". Este poderoso versículo encapsula la esencia de la esperanza y la perspectiva...

Jan 31, 2023

What correlation does Grace and Jesus Christ Hold.

Sep 1, 2022

Listen to our latest podcast and listen to why mixture creates confusion and division. one message you don't want to miss.

Aug 18, 2022

Do you know the Seven Spirits of God. Definitely one message you want to listen to. Remember knowledge of God is life and life abundantly. Blessing. May your Spirit be filled with Gods Holy Word.