May 29, 2024
Juan 7:32 al 39
En esta gran fiesta del templo, Jesús lloró dos veces. La primera fue el llanto de reprimenda (Juan 7:28), la segunda fue el llanto de compasión y piedad (Juan 7:37). Para ellos, al igual que para muchos ahora, Jesucristo era un gran misterio. Lo conocían, pero no lo...
May 29, 2024
John 5:17-43
The Gospel of John is the "Holy of Holies" in the tabernacle of the New Testament. John could no more invent the things taught in this book than he could make a ladder that would reach unto Heaven. John's Gospel is the Gospel of "the Father and the Son," or the Son's relationship to the...
May 29, 2024
John 4 46 54
Some of God's brightest blessings come to us clothed in the dark weeds of mourning. If this nobleman's heart had not been moved through the sickness of his son, he never would have known the healing power of Jesus Christ through faith. Blessed is that sorrow which constrains...
May 29, 2024
John 4:1-30
"He must needs go through Samaria." There was a must needs for every word Christ spoke, and for every act that He did. Those Jews, which had "no dealings with the Samaritans," usually avoided going through Samaria when journeying from Judea to Galilee; but Christ's love for sinners constrained Him to go that...
May 28, 2024
John 3:2
We take Nicodemus as one of the best specimens of "religious humanity"; educated, moral, of high position and culture; a strict observer of religious rites, and seasons, and ordinances; a "ruler of the Jews," a "master of Israel," and a believer in Israel's promised Messiah.
He ought to have fully known the...